Loan Pay Service Fees

Loan Pay Service Fees

There is no fee to pay with your checking or savings account. If you are paying with a debit or credit card, then you will be charged the corresponding fee outlined in the chart below. Visa and American Express credit cards are not accepted. 
Payment Amount Fee
$0.00 to $99.99 $3.60
$100.00 to $199.99 $6.20
$200.00 to $299.99 $8.80
$300.00 to $399.99 $11.40
$400.00 to $499.99 $14.00
$500.00 to $599.99 $16.60
$600.00 to $699.99 $19.20
$700.00 to $799.99 $21.80
$800.00 to $899.99 $24.40
$900.00 to $999.99 $27.00
$1,000.00 to $1,099.99 $29.60
$1,200.00 to $1,299.99 $32.20
$1,300.00 to $1,399.99 $37.40
$1,400.00 to $1,499.99 $40.00
$1,500.00 to $1,599.99 $42.60
$1,600.00 to $1,699.99 $45.20
$1,700.00 to $1,799.99 $47.80
$1,800 to $1,899.99 $50.40
$1,900.00 to $1,999.99 $53.00
$2,000.00 to $2,099.99 $55.60
$2,100.00 to $2,199.99 $58.20
$2,200.00 to $2,299.99 $60.80
$2,200.00 to $2,299.99 $60.80
$2,300.00 to $2,399.99 $63.40
$2,400.00 to $2,500.00 $66.00
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