Money Market Accounts

Want your savings to work harder? We can make that happen.

  • Earn more than basic savings
  • Tiered rates offer growth potential
  • And special checks too!
Earn more than basic savings
Tiered rates offer growth potential
And special checks too!

Easy access while you earn

When you need to have access to your funds sooner than later and investing or Certificates of Deposit are just too long term, then a Money Market Account is the way to go. Enjoy a better rate and more importantly, immediate access to your funds when you need them.

Advantage Money Market Account
Cick here to view rates, more information, and other accounts.

Westerly Community Credit Union is a full-service credit union with Rhode Island branches in Westerly, RichmondWakefield, and Coventry.

Get Greenlight Free
Teach your kids to earn, save & spend money with a Greenlight debit card & app.

Free Credit Report Review

We can help you reach your financial goals. Start with a Free Credit Report Review at WCCU.